September 2015 Update

bac5b2c9-ceb1-4168-a311-abd1c5eb866c“We don’t have to do much; but we are all called to do something….”

You can help children in Belize & in Ghana for not very much…

069688a2-2ad0-46aa-a0af-3fd4c2a74972Mail Donations to: 

SCM, PO Box 1195
Tuttle, OK. 73089
or… through PayPal on the website

Belize “All about the kids”
September 2015 Update

80b0b4f9-78aa-452c-bcd2-421f78024de4NEW CHALK ! Applied to “blackboard paint” @ SCM-Belize

90187569-b811-4f54-991f-62289cdfdd00Remember the recent efforts of True Oak Fellowship’s bake sale in raising significant monies ($740.08) for SCM Belize ! (Enough for 5 children for the entire school year.)  Although the actual funds arrived by wire long ago – the children and staff of SCM-Belize wanted to thank TOF personally! 

0217bae8-aae7-4216-9203-b3f6249f3b2aNotice the messages (above) they write.  This wasn’t prompted – they feel special here & we minister to them. We even get a workout helping with homework trying to remember which planet is the same size as earth, or list the phases of the moon…. 

SCM Board votes to EXPAND +Vacation Bible School 2016

bac2c60a-30c9-4861-be7b-9a5d2f98b924SCM-Belize Board of Directors met 24 September and agreed to begin work toward expansion in providing breakfast to “Arms of Love” school. The hope is to empower a local family by providing materials, food supplies and support to provide for this school as well. Additionally SCM-Belize offered San Ignacio Pre-School located nearby to join the breakfast feeding of their children.

SCM Belize began work this past week on in-country logistics for VBS planned for the week of 11-15 July 2016 in San Ignacio, Cayo, Belize. A mission team from the USA plans to deliver the program. These dates give the children a little time off after the close of the first term. VBS will provide them with spiritual education opportunities as well as two meals / day and some fun recreational activities, maybe even an ice cream and/or market outing.



As they arrive, Victor prays over their meal. (above) Volunteers do the same. Even locals who cannot be there everyday have agreed to pray over them & lift them up each morning.

It is the Lord’s program you’re supporting; so it’s okay to feel good about it. “
– The children sure do….

Thanks so very much from all of us, to all of you…

(Special thanks is always due for the soldiers in the field being led by David, Victor, “Akunz”, & the Teare’s.)

John E. Roberts: President/Founder: Serving Christ Ministries, Inc. 2011

ee157f11-7c21-4ae4-a03d-1cbfc71187cc 0eb62b4b-1914-4d22-bd71-116f7b1d5cf2992eae53-d3c6-4c54-93bd-8d8cba910bc5 488e1ddc-79e2-474f-9269-d814c7f166a73482006e-49dc-4500-a706-7fc35038fe4c e3f0bc37-5ac6-442a-bf93-55a1a11be9656d4b3781-4cb9-43c2-8e52-f3f06818bdf5e73e6dad-997b-4053-8f87-949234c8bf14



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