“We don’t have to do much; but we are all called to do something….”
You can help children in Belize & in Ghana for not very much…
Mail Donations to:
SCM, PO Box 1195
Tuttle, OK. 73089
or… through PayPal on the website
GHANA – October 2015
Yua Village; N. Ghana:

Less than 1/4 mile from the border with Burkina Faso @ 10 degrees 58′ 38.02″ N , by 0 degrees 54′ 36.12″ W lays the village of Yua in Northern Ghana. Next time there is a “Google Earth” imagery update, there will be a new “blue roof” approximately .5KM to the S-SW of the village.
“Next come the walls/doors”
SCM has brought a “blue roof” to Yua Village Church. As you can see it still has no walls or doors to protect from wind and rain, but that has not stopped the villagers from moving in. You can see their benches in the photos. SCM plans to attend the Church Harvest in December and work to further finish the building with your help and the dedication of the people of the village in Northern Ghana.
Ghana… EA School (now at 65+ students) marches for world animal day; “Creche”
Oct 2015 UPDATE
“Creche”, says it all. Pronounced “kresh” from old French there are 3 definitions listed:
1) a nursery for children while their mothers work,
2) a modeled representation of Mary, Joseph & others around the crib of Jesus,
3) a home for foundlings ( an infant found abandoned; a child without a parent or guardian).
“Now you tell me, is that fitting or what?”
Recently I heard a sermon where the pastor said “Serving, Sharing and Giving; as Christians that is what we are called to do; it’s what love looks like with skin on it..”
Thank you all so much for your “SSG” …
John E. Roberts: President/Founder: Serving Christ Ministries, Inc. 2011