Our Mission
Serving Christ Ministries Inc, a 501(c)3 corporation with tax-deductible donation status in the US, is the work of men who answered the call and said “send me” when they saw need.
A UNICEF 2008 report states that poor nutrition plays a role in at least half of the 10. million child deaths each year — over five million deaths. Children who are poorly nourished suffer up to 160 days of illness each year. Under-nutrition magnifies the effect of every disease, including measles and malaria.
Our mission is to provide spiritual and physical nourishment to suffering children.
No one on the board draws a salary. Personal funds were used to start the charity and fund much of its current work. Currently, all donated funds go directly to project work; board member personal donations go to pay the administrative support such as liability insurance, etc. (See our annual reports for a detailed breakdown.)
Our Work
Serving Meals to School Children
Since 2012 in Belize we’ve been serving breakfast for children from 3 schools; We added a school feeding program in 2022. In Ghana we’ve been feeding two meals a day to our school children at Emperor Academy since 2013.
Running Microfinance Program
We continue with Micro-Finance for women and their families in 6 villages serving over 60 women currently & their families. This ranges from poultry project business, to small business loans that they contribute to funding additional women each year.
Supporting Church Choir
Choir support to two churches with material support in Ghana.
Building Schools
Emperor Academy School opened in Ataa Mensha, Ghana, in 2013 in an old poultry barn with 13 students. Today, SCM / Emperor Academy has it’s own land and a compound including 10 classrooms, a kitchen, security wall, running water etc and an average of 90+ students including a nursery.
Building Churches
SCM continues to support maintenance of the church building in Yua Village funded by SCM.
Partnering for Success
Serving Christ Ministries Inc, a 501(c)3 corporation with tax-deductible donation status in the US, is the work of men who answered the call and said “send me” when they saw need.
Our Team

Executive Director & Founder

John E. Roberts is a retired USDA Forest Service Fire, Aviation & Law Enforcement responder. Beginning in 2002 he has worked as an international consultant around the globe, both delivering training as as a response team member assigned to disasters such as the World Trade Center, Hurricane Katrina, 2010 Earthquake in Haiti. Witnessing all the “need” around the world John realized.. “you don’t have to do much, but we’re all called to do something…” thus SCM was born.
Board of Directors
John E. Roberts — Tuttle, Oklahoma, United States
John E. Roberts is an Emergency Management professional and the Director of the US-based Serving Christ Ministries. As a consultant, John has worked in Africa and South America and seen the need firsthand and was driven to find a way to help.
Dr. Victor Gongora — San Ignacio, Cayo, Belize
Dr. Victor Gongora is a veterinarian in Belize who saw the need in his own area and took action
Dr. Anthony Nosh Akunzule — Accra, Ghana
Dr. Anthony Nosh Akunzule is a veterinarian in Ghana who has a vision to improve quality of life for women and children.
Dr. Gary Teare — Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Dr. Gary Teare is a veterinarian whose international work has brought him face to face with the need for nutrition in so many areas.
Our Partners

Drilling for Hope
Drilling for Hope as been a valued partner since 2018. Providing clean water by drilling boreholes in Ghana and neighboring Burkina Faso. To date there have been 26 boreholes established in Ghana and 6 additional boreholes in Burkina Faso. Additionally Drilling for Hope sponsor’s nursing students, medical students in Ghana

Turing Trust
Turing Trust in the UK has accepted applications from Emperor Academy to set up a computer library in the school once we get the room finished and electricity provided.

GAPNET – Ghana Poultry Network
The Ghana Poultry Network (GAPNET) is a community based, non-profit and non-governmental organization recognized by the Department of Social Welfare in 2003 and Registered with the Registrar General’s Department of Ghana in 2002.

Slow Food International
Slow Food International (Italy), visited the school on March 31, 2015. This NGO has agreed to support the school with 300 Euro to begin a school garden and will continue support as it develops.

International Cooperative Christian Ministries
International Christian Cooperative Ministries is involved in Empowering poor and needy convicts / inmates / ex-convicts. Promoting independence, integrating and productivity. Provision of training, enhancing Spiritual growth, rehabilitation of and skill development.

Wheelock College, Boston USA
We have an internship program with Wheelock College in Boston. First interns are expected in June of 2015.