Serving Christ Ministries, Inc – Belize, is the product of the vision and hard work of Dr. Victor Gongora. Dr. Gongora planned to start small and feed needy children from a single schoool in San Ignacio but the need and interest from other school principals was so great that the program now provides free breakfast to children from St. Andrews School, Sacred Heart School and Nazarene School.
For 73 cents per day (US Dollars), we can feed a child a healthy, high protein breakfast of 2 eggs, a banana, milk and bread. We are already feeding 28 children. Since 2012, they have served over 12,000 breakfasts to school children. The schools source as much produce locally as possible so bread, fruit and eggs help to stimulate the local economy too.
The assistance of volunteers from all over has contributed to the success of SCM-Belize. First and foremost are the local “cooks” that tirelessly get up early every morning during the school year to make this a reality. To date, in addition to the great host of local volunteers, SCM has benefited from volunteers from the USA, Canada and other Central American countries.
Volunteers from Canada (as outlined in our newsletter) also help with education and tutoring skills.
Planning is underway for Vacation Bible School for the summer months beginning in 2015 in order to provide for the children when school is not in session. SCM is working to find church partners for this and other efforts.
Here’s what we do:
- Provide free egg breakfast for school children.
- Provide meals to hungry children, packaged high protein food.
- Expand operations to other areas in Belize.
- Assist community in areas of health and education.
- Partner with Howard Smith school in Benque De Viejo for feeding programs and Bible schools.
- Assist educators in school system with mentoring programs.
Serving Christ Ministries, Inc. – Belize No. 59, Burns Ave San Ignacio, Cayo District, Belize | email: |
- Dr. Victor Gongora
- John E. Roberts
- Juan Pablo Gongora
- Ramon Matus
- Carlitos Espat
- Ervin Plett